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Accessibility Issue - Tab order, tabbing and keyboard navigation doesn't work. #12375

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mmukkara created

Angular and .NET core. version 13.40.0 / 14.0.1
In US and Canada, Accessibility (WCAG 2.0 AA) is now priority and we have hefty fines and penalties for not complaint to it. zero and Metronic themes doesn't have any accessibility consideration.

Example: Side menu, action menu is tables, top bar, profile, pages
Simple side menu cannot be navigated using keyboard. Even if we try to set the tab index to certain items, it doesn't work. Couple of reasons we found is Metronic css is overriding bootstrap behavior and how asp. net zero coded the side bar.
Action buttons in the primeNG table ( cannot tab into it).

Is there a solution to fix in Metronic or remove Metronic and use bootstrap css directly?
Do you have it in your roadmap to adhere to Accessibility as you may have lot of North American clients?
Are their any solutions to fix them with less effort?

Appreciate your help

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