Hi, how can I remove the material design style from the bootstrap-select that is used in the language management area? I need to display it in its default style or somehow similar ([http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/examples/#live-search])) Thank you.
3 Answer(s)
You can use below css to remove material styles of bootstrap select. First one removes box shadow, second one removes material animation. Dont forget to add id of select item if you want to only do this for language management.
.bootstrap-select button { box-shadow: none !important; } .bootstrap-select .md-click-circle.md-click-animate { -webkit-animation: none; -moz-animation: none; animation: none; }
There are more styles that are set on the select button from metronic theme. For example - font size, color, caps...
Hi @easyest,
You are right, there are other properties but I don't know their non material design values. Maybe it is better to replace .bootstrap-select styles in AspNet Zero (metronic admin4 material) with the ones in metronic admin4 default ( <a class="postlink" href="http://keenthemes.com/preview/metronic/theme/admin_4/components_bootstrap_select.html">http://keenthemes.com/preview/metronic/ ... elect.html</a> ).
But this requires a bit more work :).