I try to create a new module and I need to localize some label came out fomr my module.
I have a core1 DLL with localization wiht lable "labelName" "lableSurname"
I have a core2 DLL with localization wiht lable "labelArticle" "lableDescr"
Inside the destination module I need to call ILocalizationManager LocalizationManager { get; set; }
at the moment the only way that I have to solve this task is declare on caller
public ILocalizationManager LocalizationManager { get; set; }
and pass it to constructor but i'm not sure is the best/correct/onlt way to do it.
Is this the only way?
3 Answer(s)
Hi @andmattia,
I'm not sure if I understand it very well but you need to inject and use ILocalizationManager in order to get a localized text. Is this causing a problem for you ?
Yes. Is a problem in a separeted module. I think is a problem in int module because my core module (with xml translation) dependon my new module and the new module need to access to IappFolder and LocalizationManger
If you have 2 separated module, it's expected to have two different localization source. You can use LocalizationManager to get localized text from another module by specifying source name.
If this is not your problem then please share some code because we could not understand what you are trying to do :)