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Activities of "andmattia"


sorry I forget to indicate! Angular!

How can we set a forword directly to openIdConnect on login page?


I'll try and let you know ASAP

Is it possible to add an externla SignalR into a Angular application?

Example a chat sistem not embedded on ANZ


at the moment is fixed but to accomplish our saas model need to be per tenant url * (app1 and app2 are tenants)


I've an issue on IS ABP.IO becasue it not redirect back (opend ticket on ABP.IO).

I've enable OpenId on ANZ

    "OpenId": {
      "IsEnabled": "true",
      "ClientId": "anz-client",
      "Authority": "https://localhost:44308",
      "LoginUrl": "https://localhost:44308/Account/Login",
      "ValidateIssuer": "false",
      "ClaimsMapping": [
          "claim": "unique_name",
          "key": "preferred_username"

But how can redirect user based on tennat to ABP.IO login page? For ex. :

  • (tenant 1) -> ABP IS with tenant app1
  • (tenant 1) -> ABP IS with tenant app2

I don't want that user need to click OpenId button but I need user go directly to IS when try to login into the app


hi can you explain more details about "disable regular login"?

Now I go to test enable openId from ANZ in conjunction with ABP.IO


Hi @ismcagdas

I try some uses case to use ANZ has a Identity for ABP.IO but I think is more complex then migrate user and tenant on ABP.IO.

The problem that I found is that ANZ is older then ABP and Identity soffert of this "distance". For example login page on ANZ is Angular on ABP.IO is part of IdentityServer module, or if I migrate a service to APB.IO I need to share user and permission from 2 different apps. In other words it's a nightmare, opposite migrate user and tenant colud be more simple the "only" impact is related to PK int -> Guid. So if we follow this path user and tenat could be take advantege on the new ABP.IO structure, our migrated module after migration colud be a link on ANZ site and move to ABP.IO using new Identity Server.

So the question is how to change my appsettings.json in ANZ to use ABP.IO has a IdentityServer? We can build a simple guide that can be use for many users in our status.


No at the moment I've only test with 10.5 but I've plan to make this test in the next weeks

you say that happens around 1000 calls... has you check on Iis configuration. I have a flash back that remwind me some parameters setee up to 1000 j( array or queue length).

which version of iis do you have?

so another tast could be start as console app if you can.

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