Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "andmattia"

I suggest to use WinMerge([])) and compare all file and marge (add/remove or merge) file & folders.




I have a problem when login faild. The UI not intercept exception. If I start a project from temple it's works fine but I have do a lot off work with my module. I think is very stupid error but I don't find it!

I check the controller and it intercpet the login excepion and send to browser:

default: throw CreateExceptionForFailedLoginAttempt(loginResult.Result, usernameOrEmailAddress, tenancyName);

but ui not render exception! Abp.UI.UserFriendlyException: [LoginFailed] on my console error 500 and not call

.done(function (data) { abp.ajax.handleResponse(data, userOptions, $dfd);

Where can I try to search e possibile mis configuration?





I'm very stupid!!!

I've disable custom error to investigate en IoC loop!!!

Thk a lot Halil!

Have a nice weekend!



is possibile to use ILocalizationManager inside a core class. I try to localazie exception but I don't have idea where put localiziation or how can I do that.


Thks @hikalkan

I found my erron. In some class I foget to inherit from serviceBase class so I don't have a localization manager


I need to set, dipending on my profile, where is the default route in angular.

in app.js how can I do that? suppose in core/application I have already store or set this parameter.

I think is a global user settings. Is it correct?

Great post!!!

I have the same issue but I supposted that relative to my WIN10... My work around was task manager -> IIS process -> kill but it's not very elegant!

Nice work!


ok it's clear, but if I want that a user can define a page that want to see on start up where can I store this information? abpsession?

if (abp.auth.hasPermission('Pages.Tenant.Dashboard')) { if (abp.auth.hasCustomRoute()) { $urlRouterProvider.otherwise(abp.auth.customRoute); }else{ $urlRouterProvider.otherwise("/tenant/dashboard"); }


In module zero is not a standard option to add a new user with new tenant?



In registration form if tenant doesn't existes create it and add admin.

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