rickwheeler created
Since lazy loading is not yet added to EF Core, how do I eager load related entities for all get methods?
For example:
public class MyEntity : Entity
public int MyRelatedEntityId { get; set; }
public MyRelatedEntity Related { get; set; }
How do I make sure that all methods on IRepository<MyEntity> eager load and include MyRelatedEntity? This includes GetAll, GetById, Find etc
2 Answer(s)
I think I figured it out.
Make a custom Repository in the EfCore project like this
public class MyEntityRepository :MyAppRepositoryBase, IRepository { public MyEntityRepository(IDbContextProvider dbContextProvider) : base(dbContextProvider) { } public override IQueryable GetAll() { return base.GetAll().Include(x => x.MyRelatedEntity); } }
Then in the PreInitialize method of EntityFrameworkCoreModule
Configuration.ReplaceService, MyEntityRepository>();
You can also use EnsurePropertyLoadedAsync extension method of IRepository.