bolenton created
When the new version of ASP.NET ZERO arrives, will it already support Angular 5? I would imagine that this new version of Angular will greatly help speed up the build process.
3 Answer(s)
Hi @bolenton,
We are planning to release it in 8-10 days. We will try to release it next week if possible.
Yes, we will upgrade our solution to Angular5 before releasing. We just upgraded to Angular 4.6 and we noticed a speed up on build process.
We are early waiting for this release. Where the ASP.NET Zero will be of version 5, Metronic will be of Version 5 and Angular will be of version 5. What a coincidences that all the version is 5. It remembers me of a old classical movie of Five Man Army.
Hahaha, you are right, that a funny coincidence.