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PasswordComplexityChecker #4407

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ivanosw1 created

Hi, I'm upgrading to Abp 5.0.4 (Core + Angular) from 1.5.0. It seems that PasswordComplexityChecker method is gone away, but the password complexity settings are still alive. I've to check my self the password requirements or is a feature still missing from core version?


2 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    @ivanosw1, we have removed it and implemented ASP.NET Identity Core's password complexity settings. You can check this issue <a class="postlink" href=""> ... issues/105</a>

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    ivanosw1 created

    Thank you @ismcagdas,

    Can you provide me a right way to migrate the previous settings to the new concept? Which interface or service should I use?

    We have already used (and serialized in appsettings) the previous settings for every tenant, but they are changed (like UsePunctuations => RequireNonAlphanumeric) . Plus, we need to manually validate the password like the previous password checker because some users does not require restriction (eg. Service Account).
