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Datamaps — nul.json + nul.topo.json create problems #4434

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thechrismarsh created

Since this solution uses datamaps, there is an issue building or renaming these files on windows.

Windows does not allow certain filenames ([])) ... which includes files named <span style="color:#0000FF">NUL.*</span>

This issue has been raised ([])), but not resolved.

Can the ASP.NET Zero team create a fix for this issue until it is resolved in the datamaps repo?

9 Answer(s)
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    thechrismarsh created

    FYI ... There is a pull request at the datamaps repo that fixes this, but it had not been merged. The code hasn't had a commit to master in over 5 months. It looks stale.

    I tried to accept it back in October 2017 but don't have write access to merge the pull request ... <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

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    bbakermmc created

    I use batscripts to delete the files, its annoying.

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    alper created
    Support Team

    I know it's annoying and Datamaps still uses that file. I can verify that I've successfully deleted that nul.json with the below command

    1- Rename the file to a valid name.

    C:\> rename \\.\C:\Users\alper.ebicoglu\MyZeroProject\angular\node_modules\datamaps\src\js\data\nul.json validfile.txt

    2- Delete the validfile.txt Using the \.\ prefix tells the high-level file I/O functions to pass the filename unparsed to the device driver - this way you can access otherwise invalid names.

    See the Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces docs; [])

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    OutdoorEd created

    The other question is whether Datamap is needed in your app. Looking at the description in the for Datamap

    Interactive maps for data visualizations. Bundled into a single Javascript file.

    Datamaps is intended to provide some data visualizations based on geographical data. It's SVG-based, can scale to any screen size, and includes everything inside of 1 script file. It heavily relies on the amazing [D3.js](<a class="postlink" href=""></a>) library.

    This looks like it is one of the components bundled with the Metronic Theme. If you don't need to display maps in your app, it is possible this can be removed.

    <ins>If the NetZero Staff can weigh in whether they use it anywhere in the Backend that would be helpful to avoid breaking things.</ins>

    I really LOVE the Metronic Theme. It is really well built and incredibly complete in it's feature set, but it is very DENSE. Having used it in a number of projects I find I need only about 20% of the features, but I am stuck with lots of code I don't need and it's really difficult to strip it down since it would take too much time studying their documentation and dependencies.

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    alper created
    Support Team

    It shows how to show data visualizations on a map. Some clients might need it some might not... You can remove it safely. Nothing will break ;)

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    cyklussoftware created

    I use "npm uninstall datamaps" from my MVC directory before attempting to delete a project.

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    TomLeonard created

    in windows command prompt I'm using

    Del \\?\c:\code\........Web.Host\node_modules\datamaps\src\js\data\nul.topo.json
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    strix20 created

    I personally think that Volosoft should not be including a broken, abandoned library in their .net product. We are dealing with the Microsoft stack, and while the project is now written in .net Core, I'm sure the majority of developers using the product are still working in Windows environments.

    And when you have people like Scott Hanselman celebrating your product, I'd think you would want to make sure new users are not encountering embarrassing issues like this.

    Isn't there an alternative that can be used that's actually in active development, and currently supported?

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    @strix20 thanks for your comments. Actually we are planning to replace/drop datamaps. Here is the related issue <a class="postlink" href=""> ... issues/671</a>.