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HTTP Error 500 after Windows update #5136

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TimMackey created

Microsoft forced a Windows 10 Pro update on me overnight. Current: Version 1803, OS build 17134.48 *.Web.Host executed in localhost with no issues prior to the update. Downloaded a clean version of the template, compiled it, and attempted to run *.Web.Host again from Visual Studio 2017 (also latest available update). "HTTP ERROR 500" is displayed by the browser when launching Chrome with IIS Express (also latest available version) Any thoughts on where to begin looking for the fault?

3 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    @TimMackey could you check "*.Web.Host/App_Data/Logs.txt" file for error details ?

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    TimMackey created

    The only "App_Data" folder found in the solution was in \aspnet-core\src\ngTTM.Web.Host\bin\Debug\net461\App_Data. The folder is empty. BREAKING UPDATE! Discovered SQL Server was not running, even though Startup Type was set to Automatic. Started service. All is well. Rebooted to ensure SQL Server would start per Startup Type. Success. All is working as before the Windows update. (and the App_Data folder specified above now has a Logs folder containing a 'Logs.txt' file) This issue can be closed.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    @TimMackey thanks :)