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How to build after updating a .scss file? #5737

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ProjectIridium created

Hi, let's say that I would like to change the style of m-login__msg in .Mvc\Views\Account_Layout.cshtml (.NET Core and jQuery)

I found the .scss file here:  ..Mvc\wwwroot\metronic\src\sass\snippets\custom\pages\user_login-1.scss

If I clean and build in Visual Studio after say, updating the color to red there, I'm not seeing my changes in the browser?

How do I get that change to appear in this dist file?:  .Mvc\wwwroot\metronic\dist\html\default\assets\demo\default\base\style.bundle.css

I've tried … - npm run create-bundles - Web Compiler > Compile All Files on compilerconfig.json - clearing caches, etc.

Is it one of the npm commands in project.json?

Thanks --Andy

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