I created a project before like MyCompany.ProjectName (V5.3.0) now I want to create same project with 6.1.0
It allows me to create ProjectName but not MyCompany.ProjectName after you change the project creation page layout.
9 Answer(s)
I am also encountered this issue, if input MyCompany.ProjectName, when generating the project, it throw a server internal error. If input ProjectName only, it works good.
I could download with myCompany.ProjectName but I cannot compile as it uses namespace myCompany.ProjectName but class name is changed to myCompany.ClassName. I get an error "The name myCompany.filename doesn't exisit in current context" . All the files which used to start with ProjectName are not converted properly and shows in errorlist.
tested with my account without any issue...
share your project creation parameters and we'll check the problem . -
This is what my parameters
One of the file it generated is like this...many more fiiles like below.
namespace InsureIT.Jasper { public class InsureIT.JasperConsts { public const string LocalizationSourceName = "InsureIT.Jasper"; public const string ConnectionStringName = "Default"; public const bool MultiTenancyEnabled = true; public const int PaymentCacheDurationInMinutes = 30; } }
My account, even use the sample "Acme.MyPortal" as namespace, it still throw an internal server error.
But, if use MyCompany.MyProjectName generate demo project, it could work.
Is there something wrong with check the accout limitation? -
I thnk it is due to the project name change in the download page. It used to be Company name and project name as seperate fields. Now, it is combined.
When the project is generated with actual MyCompanyName.ProjectName, the files/classes which used to be with project name are renamed to actual MyCompanyName.ProjectName which is causing the problem. -
hi guys,
we have removed Company name input because people gets confused with that and we get questions about that.
we will check and test it again, and fix it as soon as possible. -
I confirm there is an issue generating the classes when a Project Name contains a (.)dot.
We'd like to inform you that the project download issue has been fixed.
You can generate your project now!
Thank you for your patience.