Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "trendline"

As you have removed the related code, why it still occurred this issue? I checked the source code, the latest code not remove the related code, any reason rollback it again?

It seems cuased by this breaking changes on EF Core 3.0 when call ChangeAbpTablePrefix on model creating.

Can we remove below code when invoke the ChangeAbpTablePrefix method? SetTableName<TenantFeatureSetting>(modelBuilder, prefix + "Features", schemaName); SetTableName<EditionFeatureSetting>(modelBuilder, prefix + "Features", schemaName);

I am upgrading my application from v 7.2.0 to v 8.0.0, the soulution builded successed, but when run the start up project, below exception occurred InvalidOperationException: The entity type 'EditionFeatureSetting' cannot be mapped to a table because it is derived from 'FeatureSetting'. Only base entity types can be mapped to a table. What is going wrong?

For ANZ paid user, is there a schedule to migrate AspNetBioerplate to abp vnext?

  • Modular dedicated database with multi-tenancy
  • Microservice-compatible, strict module architecture
  • Modular development
  • Virtual File System
  • Distributed caching
  • Distributed event
  • ......

So many exciting features, all of them are ANZ project is really needed. we are looking forward to find a way to refactor current project to abp vnext

@ryancyq, Thanks for your explaination. In this case should I different the permissions between MVC controllers and API Services, this also will make the permission definitions more complex and let user confuses on permisson management UI, which pattern you recommend?

Hi guys, I am little confuses about the permissoin definition with "Pages" prefix, such as "Pages_Administration_Roles_Create", instead of it with "Administration_Roles_Create" will more simple, why add the prefix? Is there a reason to do that?

@rnguyen How to resolve this issue? I am also be blocked as you mentioned above, the create-bundles cannot be completed.

My account, even use the sample "Acme.MyPortal" as namespace, it still throw an internal server error. But, if use MyCompany.MyProjectName generate demo project, it could work. Is there something wrong with check the accout limitation?

I am also encountered this issue, if input MyCompany.ProjectName, when generating the project, it throw a server internal error. If input ProjectName only, it works good.

Got it, more and more browsers supported the web standard, jQuery it time to quiet the stage.

Showing 1 to 10 of 154 entries