Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "trendline"

I am upgrading my application from v 7.2.0 to v 8.0.0, the soulution builded successed, but when run the start up project, below exception occurred InvalidOperationException: The entity type 'EditionFeatureSetting' cannot be mapped to a table because it is derived from 'FeatureSetting'. Only base entity types can be mapped to a table. What is going wrong?

For ANZ paid user, is there a schedule to migrate AspNetBioerplate to abp vnext?

  • Modular dedicated database with multi-tenancy
  • Microservice-compatible, strict module architecture
  • Modular development
  • Virtual File System
  • Distributed caching
  • Distributed event
  • ......

So many exciting features, all of them are ANZ project is really needed. we are looking forward to find a way to refactor current project to abp vnext

Hi guys, I am little confuses about the permissoin definition with "Pages" prefix, such as "Pages_Administration_Roles_Create", instead of it with "Administration_Roles_Create" will more simple, why add the prefix? Is there a reason to do that?

Is there a reason jump the version from 5.7 to 6.0?

It is a very odd behavior, and confused me recent days. The application will lost response sometimes in a random chance, the client cannot get any response from the server.

First, the Tenancy specified access lost response from the server, then if clean the client cookie, it could access to the Host dashboard, but cannot impersonation to any Tenant, if try to impersonation a Tenant, then it will blocked on the redirect screen.

After several tries, the Host dashboard also will lost response from the server, by this time, all site lost response from the server.

The odd thing is all of these behaviors without exception logs to record, the server level or the application level both are looks work good, and the w3p.exe, application dotnet.exe both are working fine.

During the no response time, the application logs recorded request are received by the application, but cannot return any result to client. It will stop after redirect the route to login action of the account controller.

Every time encountered this behavior only restart the application pool could let the application run normally, no other approach can fix it.

Anybody have this issue too?

It is running under Zero v5.5.0, host on IIS 10 on Windows Server 2012 with SQL Server 2017 as the DB server.

Zero version 5.5.0 The same application published via MVC project and Host project, some of WebAPI services, the same WebAPI service could access from MVC site, but cannot access from Host project.

As below logs recorded, the GetAll method of the Belonging service works fine, but the GetAll method of the Student service not response to the requester.

INFO  2018-06-18 11:23:34,860 [20   ] soft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost - Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:22742/api/services/school/Belongings/GetAll application/json 
INFO  2018-06-18 11:23:34,913 [20   ] uthentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler - Successfully validated the token.
INFO  2018-06-18 11:23:35,028 [19   ] ore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker - Route matched with {area = "school", action = "GetAll", controller = "Belongings"}. Executing action Viewtance.School.Belongings.BelongingsAppService.GetAll (Viewtance.School.Application)
INFO  2018-06-18 11:23:36,619 [20   ] ore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker - Executing action method Viewtance.School.Belongings.BelongingsAppService.GetAll (Viewtance.School.Application) with arguments (Viewtance.School.Belongings.Dtos.GetAllBelongingsInput) - Validation state: Valid
INFO  2018-06-18 11:23:38,214 [19   ] ore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker - Executed action method Viewtance.School.Belongings.BelongingsAppService.GetAll (Viewtance.School.Application), returned result Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ObjectResult in 1591.8809ms.
INFO  2018-06-18 11:23:38,346 [19   ] .Mvc.Infrastructure.ObjectResultExecutor - Executing ObjectResult, writing value of type 'Abp.Web.Models.AjaxResponse'.
INFO  2018-06-18 11:23:38,353 [19   ] ore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker - Executed action Viewtance.School.Belongings.BelongingsAppService.GetAll (Viewtance.School.Application) in 3322.0408ms
INFO  2018-06-18 11:23:38,361 [19   ] soft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost - Request finished in 3497.0352ms 200 application/json; charset=utf-8
INFO  2018-06-18 11:27:13,362 [47   ] soft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost - Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://localhost:22742/api/services/school/Students/GetAll application/json 
INFO  2018-06-18 11:27:13,366 [47   ] uthentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler - Successfully validated the token.
INFO  2018-06-18 11:27:13,382 [47   ] ore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker - Route matched with {area = "school", action = "GetAll", controller = "Students"}. Executing action Viewtance.School.Students.StudentsAppService.GetAll (Viewtance.School.Application)
INFO  2018-06-18 11:27:15,019 [47   ] ore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker - Executing action method Viewtance.School.Students.StudentsAppService.GetAll (Viewtance.School.Application) with arguments (Viewtance.School.Students.Dtos.GetAllStudentsInput) - Validation state: Valid

If insert a break point to track the code, the no response method will step out the break point, the client blocked on the no response state.

Anybody also encountered this issue?

When download template code from, the project file was crunched in one line, it is difficult to compare what changed, is it possible make the project file formatted?

After Zero v5.x, the AutoMapp attribute was removed to CustomMapping class in Application.project. Is there a reason to do this?

Attribute approach and custom mapping via AutoMapper API, which is the best pattern?

My application needs to run as unattended, once the user login from a web browser, the application needs to be running always, and the user should keep to logon so the user could receive real time notifications, using the default settings of ZERO, from the user logon after a couple of hours, the real time communication (implemented by SignalR) with warning logs that the current user is not login.

Is there a way that could set a long expiration for the user logon?

I am using IOnlineClientManager to get all clients and sent real time message to them, is that if the user is out of logon expiration time, it still could send real time message to the user? because I found that the logon user still could stay on the web in the browser after a serveral hours, even SignalR logged the exception "the current user is not login".

As SignalR provided that it will use below orders to specify a transport webSockets foreverFrame serverSentEvents longPolling

but when I using ABP.SingalR to do a server broadcast to client, it doesn't use websockets as the transport, even with a development environment IIS 10, or windows server 2012 with websocket protocol installed and latest version browsers in client. In the client, IE and Firefox are using longPooling as the transport, Chrome using Server Sent Events as the transport.

Is there some settings needs to be configured to force use websocket?

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