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Settings for User Role is all-or-nothing. #6008

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TimMackey created

Version 6.2.0

When editing the role of "User" (when logged in as 'admin'), one cannot pick and chose selections from the available permissions and make changes existent to 'User' roles. While the top-of-menu choices of 'Dashboard' and 'Demo UI Components' can be made available to the User role when logged in as 'admin', the submenu choices under 'Administration' is all-or-nothing.

For example, when choosing 'Subscription', the 'Administration' choice is also automatically selected. When logged in with 'User' role, neither 'Administration' nor 'Subscription' is presented in the sidebar menu.

Is this by design? If yes, what do I need to change in order to make selected submenu permissions available to Users?

3 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @timmackey

    If I understand you correctly, it shouldn't act like this. Could you share a screenshot of permissions you have selected for user role permissions and resulted menu items ?

  • User Avatar
    TimMackey created

    Using version 6.2.0 as released - no modifications.

    Create new user:

    Login as 'Default' tenant, 'admin' user. Edit role: User

    Login as 'Default' tenant, 'newusername' user. Open menu sidebar.

    DB tables:

  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Thanks a lot, I have created an issue here Please follow it to get updated when the issue is fixed.