I have followed these steps and can get the reports to work if I create a new project from scratch: https://documentation.devexpress.com/XtraReports/400197/Create-End-User-Reporting-Applications/Web-Reporting/JavaScript-Reporting/Document-Viewer/Server-Side-Configuration/Server-Side-Configuration-ASP-NET-Core
If I create and try and access the reports in the aspnet zero framework I get this error: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:22742/DXXRDV' from origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
I have tried a few things in the startup project wrt CORS but nothing is working. Can you please help?
3 Answer(s)
Their order is also important
app.UseCors(//...) app.UseDevExpressControls();
Anyone with code for a sample report working with Angular and Core?
Hi @fourier
Could you check server-side log file and see if there are any error messages ? The log file is located like App_Data/Logs/Logs.txt.
There might be some missing request headers which are required for DexExpress report.