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LanguageAppService - Why is there no CreateLanguageText? #6327

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peabaw created

Hello there

The LanguageAppService gives us a possibility to edit a language text:

public async Task UpdateLanguageText(UpdateLanguageTextInput input)

But why is there no Create?

public async Task CreateLanguageText(CreateLanguageTextInput input)

I guess there is a very good reason for that that I missed, so please hit me in the head with that explenation!

I'm asking because we need to dynamically create translatable language texts from the GUI to be used in the application. We are creating forms with 1..N inputs with labels, and these labels must be translatable. I thought I would be able to use the language DB in Zero and just create then through API but am I right that I need to implement a separate DB for this?

Asp.Net Zero angular+webapi

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