Hi, we have a big solution with houndred of IRepository. The startup time after an application pool reset takes about 1 second for each repository. We have splitted in small application services and entity framework core contexts, but there isn't an effective improvement. Now the startup time is about 30 seconds and is growing as our application grows up.
Debugging the solution we have noted that the dependency resolution is where the most of the time is consumed.
This is an example of our repository to resolve a client request for a detailed dto. This takes about 10 seconds to resolve dependency (only the first time). Imagine that the client makes at the same time another request for a different dto with many repository, the response arrives after 20 seconds.
Have you some guide line to deal with a very huge application? Thank you
` public class RisorseQueryService : IRisorseQueryService { private readonly IRepository
public RisorseQueryService(
IRepository<RisorsaMaterialeReferenceData> risorsaMaterialeRepository,
IRepository<TipologiaRisorsaMaterialeReferenceData> tipologiaRisorsaMaterialeRepository,
IRepository<UbicazioneReferenceData> ubicazioneRepository,
IRepository<RisorsaMaterialeCentroRicavoReferenceData> risorsaMaterialeCentroRicavoRepository,
IRepository<CentroRicavoReferenceData> centroRicavoRepository,
IRepository<RisorsaMaterialeUnitaLavoroReferenceData> risorsaMaterialeUnitaLavoroRepository,
IRepository<RisorsaMaterialeUnitaOffertaReferenceData> risorsaMaterialeUnitaOffertaRepository,
IRepository<PostoClasseConfortReferenceData> postoClasseConfortRepository,
IRepository<ClasseConfortReferenceData> classeComfortRepository,
IRepository<PostoProfilazioneReferenceData> postoProfilazioneRepository,
IRepository<ProfilazioneUtenteViewReferenceData> profilazioneUtenteViewRepository,
IRepository<WorkspaceData, long> workspaceRepository)
Asp.Net Zero 5.6.0
8 Answer(s)
If you want to be fast for the first time, the cost may be that the application needs to do a lot of warm-up work after startup, so the startup will be slower.
refer to: https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/issues/4292#issuecomment-465416947
Hi @maliming Thank you for response. I have read the topic and what I understand is that there isn't a real effective solution. You suggest a warm-up procedure to resolve all dependency at start-up? A kind of scaffolding tool with a noop method?
Or maybe is all about dependecy resolver's problem?
if you think Repository instantiate step is making the big impact. You can change IRepositories to Singleton. (Be aware that you repositories shouldn't keep state if you make them singleton)
Also you can do the same thing to application services.
But this is risky because Singleton requires stateless objects to work properly. But it's fast!
We are still looking for a solution to the "first time" startup request. After many attempts we found this workaround.
Instead of instantiating many IRepository, we request only one dependency of
so the constructor resolution is fast. After you can use every repository in your context with ` private QueryContext QueryContext => _queryContextProvider.GetDbContext(); private IQueryablepublic async Task<List
return result; }
It works and is fast at first request. This is our approach only for reporting, query and reference contexts, while for the domain operations (CRUD) we use the classic IRepository. Is a good approach for the point of view of Aspnet Zero architecture ?
private IQueryable YourEntitiesRepository => QueryContext.YourEntities.AsQueryable();
is more accurate. It doesn't use repository abstraction at all.There is direct dependency on
from data layer. -
Yes sure. I know that in this manner I depend on
and onEF Core
, but do you think that is a valid compromise? Or you see some probably issue? -
Yes, that is fine. Data filters still work too.
Awesome. Thank you aaron