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UserFriendlyException: Requires password change when running merged self hosted server API #6806

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TomLeonard created

I am running self hosted Web API for version 6.9. in ASPNEtCore/Angular merged project. Performed DB migration and changed conn string. I dont know default credentials and trying to login (http://localhost:22742/ui/login.) with default/admin/123qwe , I get the error... "UserFriendlyException: Requires password change....." I am able to navigate to swagger API page (localhost:22742/swagger) , so I am not sure why I am not seeing the locahost:22742/UI page . Any suggestions ? Thanks

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @tomleonard

    Sorry for this problem, it was fixed in v6.9 but your version works like that. If you firs go to http://localhost:22742/account/login and login first there, then you can login on http://localhost:22742/ui/login.

    Here is the related issue