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GraphQL UI? #6878

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fguo created

I tried Core+Angular v6.9.1. Running GraphQL Playground is good. It is also good by postman. I wonder how to send a request to /graphql endpoint from Angular UI. I didn't find any despription in document. Is there an automation like running "nswag/refresh.bat"? Can you give me a hint by an example either automation or manually creating?


9 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team

    There is one here:

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    fguo created

    Do you mean the "Playground"? That is not what I am asking. I like to know "how to send a request to /graphql endpoint from Angular UI."

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    You can use Angular's http service for that. Or you can use an Angular GraphQL library like this one but I don't know how it is used, you can check its documentation.

    I also couldn't be sure if it is free or not, please check carefully.

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    alper created
    Support Team

    Consuming Your GraphQL API from Angular

    To make HTTP requests you need to inject HttpClient. Then make a GET request to


    Add your query to query parameter of your URL.

    export class FetchDataComponent {
     public reservations: Reservation[];
     constructor(http: HttpClient, @Inject('BASE_URL') baseUrl: string) {
        this.fetchDirectlyFromGraphQL = function () {
          var query = `?query=
                          reservations {
                            guest  {
                            room {
                        }`  ;
          http.get<Reservation[]>(baseUrl + 'graphql/' + query).subscribe(result => {
            this.reservations =;       
          }, error => console.error(error));

    Consuming Your GraphQL API from JavaScript

    Import the following library

    <script src="[email protected]"></script>

    Use Fetch command to send the request:

    fetch('/graphql', {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          'Accept': 'application/json',
        body: JSON.stringify({
          query: 'query reservation {reservations {checkinDate guest  {name} room {name}}}'
      .then(r => r.json())
      .then(response => {
        this.reservations =;

    Using Apollo Client

    There’s a rich client that helps us to fetch data with GraphQL. Apollo Client is the ultra-flexible, community driven GraphQL client for Angular, JavaScript, and native platforms. It is designed from the ground up to make it easy to build UI components that fetch data with GraphQL. It’s open-source but also there’re paid plans.

    See the docs

    See the GitHub Repo

    See how to use it in Angular2

    Here’s how to query using Apollo Client:

    var client = new Apollo.lib.ApolloClient(
            networkInterface: Apollo.lib.createNetworkInterface({
              uri: "https://localhost:44349/graphql"
        const query = Apollo.gql`
    query reservation {
      reservations {
        guest  {
        room {
          query: query
        }).then(result => {
          this.reservations =;

    You can access all these code on my sample project on GitHub.

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    fguo created

    Thank you for your code example! It is very helpful. After comparing the 5 different implements, I am going to pick the Apollo Client as my solution. Here is one thing I am still unclear:

    Apollo sends the request query to https://<base url>/graphql. How does the server ROUTE this request to "ReservationQuery" to resolve the query? (i.e. Which C# code lines involve this pipeline?)


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    alper created
    Support Team

    let's go with this example...

    query myQueryName {
      roles {

    In this query you explicitly tell that it's a RoleQuery. the keyword roles is the query name. And it matches this query with RoleQuery because you set this name while you create your query. See

    this routing is done by GraphQL engine.

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    fguo created

    Thank you! You actually answered my next question.

    I wonder how the Startup pipeling routes the GraphQL request to be handled by GraphQL.Net, instead of MVC controller.

    Let's say I have a controller by chance named "GraphqlController". When a request sent from client to endpoint, it should be routed to GraphqlController, Index() Action method, as MVC default route map on Startup pipeline. Now, Apollo-Client sends a GraphQL request to same endpoint. Does it conflict with the GraphqlController?

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    alper created
    Support Team

    ASP.NET middlewares are executed by addition order. If you add the GraphQL middleware before the MVC middleware, then the request will be handled by GraphQL.

    Lastly, this conversation is going beyond the main issue.
    For now you can accept the answer and close this question.

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    fguo created

    Understand. Thank you!