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FAQ Angular - How do you customize the abp.notify dialogs #6908

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commondesk created

The apb.notify. object in Angular is based on toastr library

And can be customized by passing a third argument.

var defaultOptions = {
	position: 'top-end',
	showConfirmButton: false,
	timer: 10000,
	padding: 0,
	toast: true,
	animation: false
abp.notify.success("The User was succesfully removed.","",defaultOptions);

3 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    You can modify the default options.

  • User Avatar
    commondesk created

    But the problem is, after you use different options, those are merged with the current options, and used next time the dialog is called.

    And there is not way to undo this?

    Why would anyone want that feature?

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    hi @commondesk

    I believe the order of the parameters is wrong, I will fix it. Thanks for the feedback.

    should be: var combinedOptions = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options);