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Activities of "commondesk"

You say: You can also check Metronic's other available icon sets but if you want to use them, you need to change a few lines on the client side code (the one generates menu).

Are you going to tell us how to do it?

And the above link is broken.

this works

Is there any updated process for how we can use different icons?

This must be one of the most basic type of changes, but its not documenent and your documenation is not searchable.

So basically you advertize that you use Metronic, but then you depart from how Metronic says the product should be used.

You don't give any documentation for how you use Metronic, or give us any documentation on how we can use it.

But you want to advertise that you use Metronic, and so can we.

Got it.

Can you explain what we should expect from these updates in the 7.1 template?

Added Healthchecks. Allow deleting notifications. OpenID Connect enhancements. Enable in-process hosting model.

@**outdoored, **

The point is that ANZ should be thanking us for taking the time to improve their product, by providing suggestion.   Instead they deny the changes are needed. The reason goes back to the fact that the company is managed by developers who are only intrested in the next product.

Things like making certain classes partial so that we can derive our own separate class files. Case in point - the DbContext.cs. I could have all my entity code in a separate class and simply overwrite the ANZ DbContext file from a new version if I didn't have to put all my stuff in their DbContext.cs (Of course I could do this myself but then I'd still have to go in and edit their new DbContext each time to be a partial every time).

I wrote about this awhile ago.  Instead of partial classes i suggested to have base classes and use inheritance.

  • Publishing a list of code changed files for each version number would make it a lot easier to know where to look than dnard82's BeyondCompare check of every single file.

Exactly.  This is why i said they were lazy. I found that the "meld" product on linux does the same thing. It appeared to be easyer to use than "BeyondCompare"

  • Some things are in Nuget packages, and knowing what version of each Nuget package is associated with a new release would also be helpful.
  • Finally, publishing any SQL Migration Scripts for backend database changes (like when they went from datetime to datetime2 would really be useful for me to be able to keep my database tables in line with the FullyAuditedEntity. (Yes that is in the .Migrator, but it should be part of the documentation for each version)

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@alper, Yes its hard to upgrade, but all i'm asking for are notes on what problems are associated with upgrading.  If its as easy as you say, it should be a 15 minute exercise for an intern to write the documentation. But instead of listening to my suggestions, its shoot the messenger.

Many company's offer access to their source code in GitHub. But that does not mean the company does not have a responsibility to assist in helping users upgrade.

My problem is not with the product, my problem is with the support i'm receiving for $2500 a year.

For far less money, ServiceStack provides far better support and better documentation, and the product is vastly more complex.

I suggest that you review how ServiceStack and other approach the problem of upgrades and releases.

@outdoored and @ismcagdas

I will have you note that I did not say, an automation script or an automation tool, i said an upgrade guide.

A guide is documentation. The documentation would describe the process for upgrading, such as the steps provided by @dnard82 but would be fully expanded and professionally written. BTW, thanks for your comments @dnard82.

The guide, would describe all of the changes that occurred between releases, it should describe additions, changes and deletions, and how the changes would impact your current code base.

Many other frameworks such as Servicestack provide release notes:

Compare that with your "Change log"

Here is an example of how Servicestack talks about how there upgrade has broken things in older versions

In my 30+ years as a professional developer and business owner, I've used many many frameworks for products that I've built and sold to company's.

Until you have professional documentation and a process for upgrading, you do not have a professional grade product. That's fine, but non-professional products don't ask $2500 a year for a licences.

We all know whats going on. Your team is now building a new product and don't want to invest in providing real support around this product.

Because of your naive attitude to software development, I hope to move away from ANZ as soon as i have the developers and time to do so.

For a product that is supposedly under support, i cant image why there is not an upgrade guide.

The only reason, i can see is lazyness on the part of the developers.

Have you taken the time to write any release notes for your lastest update?

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