Another package were using ServiceStack has a feature that allows us to use Async Typescript method calls.
But to use it we would need to enable async support project wide.
{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", "module": "commonjs", "lib": [ "es2015", "dom" ] }
npm install --save-dev @types/whatwg-fetch
Would this present any conflicts for ANZ??
What is the time frame for metronic 6? Weeks? Months??
If we have created many of own pages, will many of the css styles used be very different?
Thanks for the clarification and the link.
When i say "extend swagger" i should have said, "add a new REST webservice that can be called from javascript".
So, it sounds that if I add a method to UserAppService.cs and the IUserAppService, it will automaticlly expose this as a REST Webservice?
As far as the "Documentation" .
Application Services are used to expose domain logic to the presentation layer.
Translates to -- Add a new webservice -- Got it.
I cant find any documenation on how to extend swagger to provide a new method. WTF??
We need a webservice that can be checked from javascript for this purpose.
Are there any tutorials on how to add new swagger bases webservice for this purpose?
Is this the correct place to add it?
We have implemnted a new oauth login flow. We need to know if a users account has ALREADY been created, or if were logging in again after the account has been created.
We assume this must be possible with all of the tooling that is available.
Any hints on how we can detect this?
I also need to use Angular Universal.
We are in the process of trying to add Angular universal with .net core. It is very confusing.
What i think is needed is to NOT convert all of aspnetzero to use Angular Universal, but rather to have a seporate project that uses it. I with our friends as Aspnetzero would give some guidance on how to do that.
I did it and it was painful.
Angualr 7 is very differnet from AngularJS.
These pages will not be shown in Aspnetzero.
I found this article.
Are there other articles you wrote on this subject?
A while back we decided to move our backend to linix and chose to convert our AngularJs site to an Angular 7 site. We did this without fully understanding the implications of a single page application like Angular. Specifically we did not consider how much the loading time of opening pages in popup windows and iframes. Even with --aot and --prod enabled, we find that Angualr is too heavy weight to be used in some simple pages.
Is there any way to create a second angular site that does not have all of the ASPNETZERO classes installed, but have it as part of the project? We need a way to mix some of the typescript pages we've developed on screens that have NO, left or top bars. I'm not sure if this is an ASPNETZERO question or an angular question.