Can you explain what we should expect from these updates in the 7.1 template?
Added Healthchecks. Allow deleting notifications. OpenID Connect enhancements. Enable in-process hosting model.
Have you taken the time to write any release notes for your lastest update?
Another package were using ServiceStack has a feature that allows us to use Async Typescript method calls.
But to use it we would need to enable async support project wide.
{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", "module": "commonjs", "lib": [ "es2015", "dom" ] }
npm install --save-dev @types/whatwg-fetch
Would this present any conflicts for ANZ??
We have implemnted a new oauth login flow. We need to know if a users account has ALREADY been created, or if were logging in again after the account has been created.
We assume this must be possible with all of the tooling that is available.
Any hints on how we can detect this?
A while back we decided to move our backend to linix and chose to convert our AngularJs site to an Angular 7 site. We did this without fully understanding the implications of a single page application like Angular. Specifically we did not consider how much the loading time of opening pages in popup windows and iframes. Even with --aot and --prod enabled, we find that Angualr is too heavy weight to be used in some simple pages.
Is there any way to create a second angular site that does not have all of the ASPNETZERO classes installed, but have it as part of the project? We need a way to mix some of the typescript pages we've developed on screens that have NO, left or top bars. I'm not sure if this is an ASPNETZERO question or an angular question.
We would like to use the route
{ path: 'hostDashboard', component: HostDashboardComponent, data: { permission: 'Pages.Administration.Host.Dashboard' } },
and see that its controled via - Pages.Administration.Host.Dashboard'
We traced this back to
AppSettingProvider.cs line 88
administration.CreateChildPermission(AppPermissions.Pages_Administration_Host_Dashboard, L("Dashboard"), multiTenancySides: MultiTenancySides.Host);
Question: Where/how is this permission enabled at runtime? Question: Where/how is this permission enabled at build time?
The apb.notify. object in Angular is based on toastr library
And can be customized by passing a third argument.
var defaultOptions = {
position: 'top-end',
showConfirmButton: false,
timer: 10000,
padding: 0,
toast: true,
animation: false
abp.notify.success("The User was succesfully removed.","",defaultOptions);
When i compile with
ng serve --configuration=linuxdev --host --port 4200 --disable-host-check --aot
I get these errors.
ERROR in src/refindRoot/login-component-mobile/login.component.html(36,32): : Property 'multiTenancySideIsTeanant' does not exist on type 'LoginComponentMobile'. src/refindRoot/login-component-mobile/login.component.html(36,32): : Property 'isMultiTenancyEnabled' does not exist on type 'LoginComponentMobile'. src/refindRoot/login-component-mobile/login.component.html(49,19): : Property 'isSelfRegistrationAllowed' does not exist on type 'LoginComponentMobile'. src/refindRoot/login-component-mobile/login.component.html(53,19): : Property 'multiTenancySideIsTeanant' does not exist on type 'LoginComponentMobile'. src/refindRoot/login-component-mobile/login.component.html(53,19): : Property 'isTenantSelfRegistrationAllowed' does not exist on type 'LoginComponentMobile'. src/refindRoot/login-component-mobile/login.component.html(7,96): : Property 'login' does not exist on type 'LoginComponentMobile'. src/account/sign-up/sign-up.component.html(2,13): : Property 'firstFormGroup' does not exist on type 'SignUpComponent'. src/account/sign-up/sign-up.component.html(23,13): : Property 'secondFormGroup' does not exist on type 'SignUpComponent'. src/account/sign-up/sign-up.component.html(32,13): : Property 'thirdFormGroup' does not exist on type 'SignUpComponent'. src/account/sign-up/sign-up.component.html(51,9): : Property 'isMultiTenancyEnabled' does not exist on type 'SignUpComponent'. src/account/sign-up/sign-up.component.html(51,9): : Property 'loginService' is private and only accessible within class 'SignUpComponent'. src/account/sign-up/sign-up-form/sign-up-form.component.html(1,7): : Property 'onSubmit' does not exist on type 'SignUpFormComponent'.
Due to a complicated oauth flow, we want to have new users active by default.
We see that in UserRegistrationManager line 80,
var isNewRegisteredUserActiveByDefault = await SettingManager.GetSettingValueAsync<bool>(AppSettings.UserManagement.IsNewRegisteredUserActiveByDefault);
We assumed that we could just set this in our Appsetting.json file like this.
"App": { "UserManagement": { "IsNewRegisteredUserActiveByDefault": "true" },
But we see that the value read by the GetSettingValueAsync is false, regarless of what we put in the json file.
To further compication this matter, we are using a differnet lauchprofile file. So instead of just using the Appsettings.json we are using Appsettings.xxxxxx.json.
We have also put the value in app.usermanagment.IsNewRegisteredUserActiveByDefault in the Appsettings.json file and the problem was still there.
When we change the value in the portals
Settings > UserManagment > New registered users are active by default.
it does work correctly.
I have a problem with multitenancy. We only support single tentant on our website so we always disable MultiTenancy
Yesterday I upgraded our website to template 6.9.1, as i was merging our changes and testing i got to the file project Project Consts file where this line is defined
public const bool MultiTenancyEnabled = true;
And i set it to false, after this i created the database and started the backend app
Then i get an error on DefaultSettingsCreator.Create()
var defaultTenant = _context.Tenants.IgnoreQueryFilters().FirstOrDefault(t => t.TenancyName == MultiTenancy.Tenant.DefaultTenantName); tenantId = defaultTenant.Id;
Here, defaultTenant is always null so the next line 'defaultTenant.Id' throws a null reference exception
Since this happens the first time we load the app, the database default data is never inserted and we can't get a working system
If i set MultiTenancyEnabled to true, then these line is skipped and everything works
'var defaultTenant = _context.Tenants.IgnoreQueryFilters().FirstOrDefault(t => t.TenancyName == MultiTenancy.Tenant.DefaultTenantName);'
I changed the app to use Mysql, then generated new migrations and removed the sql server migrations, this is the only change we have but i'm not sure if having a different Database backend is related to this issue
Any help appreciated as we have not found a way to initialize the first time while having MultiTenancy disabled