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Minify JS and CSS files using npm run build #6987

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mumfie created

Hi Team,
I have followed your steps to minify JS and CSS files as per reference however it does not seem to be working.
No errors are reported and the output files are generated however both commands npm create-bundles and npm run build generate
identical output files, do not appear to be minified and have identical size.

Using JQuery Core version and v6.9.1

Any ideas?

5 Answer(s)
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    ryancyq created
    Support Team

    Hi, can you share the screenshot after runing the comands?

  • User Avatar
    mumfie created

    Hi ryancyq,
    The process I followed with steps is documented in this video.

  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @mumfie

    It seems like this is a bug, could you create an issue on so we can fix it as soon as possible.


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    exlnt created

    Is this issue logged and is there an ETA? I just found the same issue today during my V7.0 upgrade. My .min files looks like the normal JS files.

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    mumfie created

    AFAIK the issue was fixed in v7.0.0 but you need to run npm run build to generate the real minimised files.
    Running npm create-bundles does generates files with .min.js,.min.cs file extensions however the contents are not actually minimized.
    see aspnet-net-zero-core#2382