I use modular system of abp. Each module has own localization source (xml file). As I found Angular app uses one localization source with name predefined in const variable AppConsts.localization.defaultLocalizationSourceName. Is it possible to specify different localization source name for different modules on angular app?
4 Answer(s)
Hi @peopleteq
Yes, but it is not implemented by default. You can use https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/blob/dev/angular/src/shared/common/pipes/localize.pipe.ts#L24 and define the "defaul localization source name" for each module as you want.
Hi @ismcagdas
Thanks a lot for help!
@peopleteq How did you end up handling this? I have a similar issue.
Hi @peopleteq
I think the only way is create your custom pipe (based on orignal) because the second args is varibale array or use a special notation to identify when first element off args is localization key (es. '##') so in this way you can add an if and call l or ls function