daws created
does abp (CORS, etc) support the use of same port for the frontend & backend, with a different DNS ?
saying that for WAN : backend (443): https://server.project.blabla.com frontend (443): https://project.blabla.com
for IIS
- 1 site (backend) listening on 443 but with prefix server.project.blabla.com ONLY
- 1 site (backend) listening on 443 but with prefix project.blabla.com ONLY
i've read that is how it's done in IIS, but i wanted to be sure that there is no issue for abp about this point (since i'll have to wait few days for the dns modification)
thanks for the clarification ! (& sorry if it has already been asked)
2 Answer(s)
backend (443): https://server.project.blabla.com frontend (443): https://project.blabla.com
I think you need to configure CORS on the back end. These two domain are not same origin.
{ App": { "ServerRootAddress": "https://server.project.blabla.com", "ClientRootAddress": "https://project.blabla.com", "CorsOrigins": "https://project.blabla.com,http://*.mycompany.com,http://localhost:4200", } }
indeed for the cors.
thanks, i'll test it in a few days & be back to you if it's not ok