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Parameter Passing #7987

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Siyeza created

I have two linked entities 'Policy Holder' which can have multiple 'Policies'. I have generated both entities using the power tools (added PolicyHolder as one of the navigations for Policy). I want to open the 'Create Policy' from the 'Policy Holder' Grid see below pic

how do I pass the PolicyHolderId to this dialog?

text: 'Add - Policy',
                                visible: function () {
                                    return _permissions.create;
                                action: function (data) {
                          { id: });

this above doesnt seem to work

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    Can the modal be opened normally? Is the parameter not passed correctly?

    Please share the code of the corresponding controller.

  • User Avatar
    Siyeza created

    Let me redo this proper first, I will come back