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Feature request: DataTables action button dynamic text #7990

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tinytownsoftware created

It would be helpful to make the text of the dropdown actions in the DataTable dynamic. I modified the code and figured you can maybe include it in a future release.

In datatables.record-action.js - createDropdownItem function: if (fieldItem.text) { var text = ''; if (typeof fieldItem.text === 'function') { text = fieldItem.text({ record: record }); } else { text = fieldItem.text; } $a.html(text); }

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    Very good enhancement. Thanks

    I create a issue for this.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    This issue is closed because it has not had recent activity for a long time.