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RAD template assistance #8147

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acmeware created

Could you point me in the direction of editing the RAD templates. I want to be able to set a default advanced filter value if the entity has an "IsActive" property. I want to set it so that inactive rows are never displayed for example.

10 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    How To Edit Pre-defined Templates Or Create A New Template?

  • User Avatar
    yekalkan created

    Unless you have 5+ pages that this requirement must be implemented, don't bother to change rad tool templates. Instead implement it after code is generated. Code that is generated by rad tool is understandable.

  • User Avatar
    acmeware created

    I have seen that doc, but it doesn't explain any of the technical details or which files to edit. I do have a requirement where most of the IsActive fields would be pre-filtered onload.

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    yekalkan created

    What is your version and ui framework of your project?

  • User Avatar
    acmeware created

    8.0 and core MVC.

  • User Avatar
    yekalkan created

    So, you want "IsActive" filter not to be displayed on ui and always should be true? Or you want "IsActive" filter to be displayed on ui and initial value is true?

  • User Avatar
    acmeware created

    I want the filter to remain available for the user to change it if they want, but the initial filter value is set to true only (versus the default all records). Basically just pre-filter out the inactive records.

  • User Avatar
    yekalkan created

    Create "AspNetZeroRadTool\FileTemplates\Client\Mvc\IndexHtmlTemplate\PartialTemplates.custom.txt" file.

    then copy the json below and paste to that file.

    			"placeholder" : "{{Property_Filter_Template_Here}}",
    			"condition" : "{{Property_Advanced_Filter_Here}} == true",
    			"templates" : [
    					"type" : "enum",
    					"content" : "
    							<div class=\"col-md-3\">
    								<label for=\"{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\">@L(\"{{Property_Name_Here}}\")</label>
    								<select class=\"form-control\" name=\"{{Property_Name_Here}}Filter\" id=\"{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\">
    								<option value=\"-1\">@L(\"All\")</option>
    					"type" : "bool",
    					"content" : "
    							<div class=\"col-md-3\">
    								<label for=\"{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\">@L(\"{{Property_Name_Here}}\")</label>
    								<select class=\"form-control\" name=\"{{Property_Name_Here}}Filter\" id=\"{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\">
    									<option value=\"-1\">@L(\"All\")</option>
    									<option value=\"0\">@L(\"False\" )</option>
    									<option value=\"1\" {{IsActive_Selected_Here}}>@L(\"True\")</option>
    					"type" : "DateTime",
    					"content" : "
                                <div class=\"col-md-3\">
                                        <div class=\"form-group\">
    										<label for=\"Min{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\">@L(\"{{Property_Name_Here}}Range\")</label>
    										<div class=\"input-group\">
    											<input class=\"form-control m-input date-picker\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"@L(\"MinValue\")\"  id=\"Min{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\">
    											<span style=\"line-height: 40px;padding: 0 15px 0 15px;\"> — </span>
    											<input class=\"form-control m-input date-picker\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"@L(\"MaxValue\")\"  id=\"Max{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\">
    					"type" : "numeric",
    					"content" : "
                                <div class=\"col-md-3\">
                                     <div class=\"form-group\">
    									<label  for=\"Min{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\">@L(\"MinMax\") @L(\"{{Property_Name_Here}}\")</label>
    									<div class=\"input-group\">
    										<input type=\"number\" class=\"form-control m-input\" placeholder=\"@L(\"MinValue\")\" name=\"min{{Property_Name_Here}}Filter\" id=\"Min{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\"/>
                                            <input type=\"number\" class=\"form-control m-input\" placeholder=\"@L(\"MaxValue\")\" name=\"max{{Property_Name_Here}}Filter\"  id=\"Max{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\"/>
    					"type" : "default",
    					"content" : "
    							<div class=\"col-md-3\">
    								<div class=\"form-group\">
    									<label for=\"{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\">@L(\"{{Property_Name_Here}}\")</label>
    									<input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"{{property_Name_Here}}Filter\" id=\"{{Property_Name_Here}}FilterId\">
    			"placeholder" : "{{Property_Looped_Template_Here}}",
    			"condition" : "{{Property_Listed_Here}} == true",
    			"templates" : [
    					"type" : "default",
    					"content" : "
    			"placeholder" : "{{NP_Looped_Template_Here}}",
    			"templates" : [
    					"relation" : "single",
    					"content" : "
    			"placeholder" : "{{NP_Filter_Template_Here}}",
    			"templates" : [
    					"relation" : "single",
    					"content" : "
    							<div class=\"col-md-3\">
    								<div class=\"form-group\">
    									<label for=\"{{NP_Foreign_Entity_Name_Here}}{{NP_Display_Property_Name_Here}}{{NP_Duplication_Number_Here}}FilterId\">(@L(\"{{NP_Foreign_Entity_Name_Here}}\")) @L(\"{{NP_Display_Property_Name_Here}}\")</label>
    									<input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"{{nP_Foreign_Entity_Name_Here}}{{NP_Display_Property_Name_Here}}{{NP_Duplication_Number_Here}}Filter\" id=\"{{NP_Foreign_Entity_Name_Here}}{{NP_Display_Property_Name_Here}}{{NP_Duplication_Number_Here}}FilterId\">
    			"placeholder" : "{{Enum_Option_Looped_Template_Here}}",
    			"content" : "										<option value=\"{{Enum_Property_Value_Here}}\">@L(\"Enum_{{Enum_Name_Here}}_{{Enum_Property_Value_Here}}\")</option>
    			"placeholder": "{{Get_Excel_Button_Here}}",
    			"condition": "{{Create_Excel_Export_Here}} == true",
    			"content": "<button id=\"ExportToExcelButton\" class=\"btn btn-outline-success\"><i class=\"fa fa-file-excel\"></i> @L(\"ExportToExcel\")</button>
    			"placeholder": "{{Container_Class_Here}}",
    			"condition": "{{Project_Version_Here}} < 070200",
    			"content": "kt-content"
    			"placeholder": "{{Container_Class_V2_Here}}",
    			"condition": "{{Project_Version_Here}} >= 070200",
    			"content": "@(await GetContainerClass()) kt-grid__item kt-grid__item--fluid"
    			"placeholder": "{{Div_After_Metronic_V606}}",
    			"condition": "{{Project_Version_Here}} >= 070200",
    			"content": "</div>"
    			"placeholder": "{{Content_Class_After_Metronic_V606}}",
    			"condition": "{{Project_Version_Here}} >= 070200",
    			"content": "<div class=\"kt-content  kt-grid__item kt-grid__item--fluid kt-grid kt-grid--hor\">"
    			"placeholder": "{{Container_Class_After_Metronic_V606}}",
    			"condition": "{{Project_Version_Here}} >= 070200",
    			"content": "<div class=\"@(await GetContainerClass())\">"
    			"placeholder": "{{IsActive_Selected_Here}}",
    			"condition": "{{Property_Name_Here}} == IsActive",
    			"content": "selected=\"selected\""
  • User Avatar
    acmeware created

    Thanks. Very cool of you. This is super helpful for learning the edits needed. I am attaching a compare for others to use as it might be helpful.

  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Thanks @Rich