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Testing app-services for features that are not enabled by default #8148

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alexanderpilhar created

8.0.0, Angular, .NET Core

I stumbled accross the following error when trying to run tests I built for one of my app-services: Required permissions are not granted. At least one of these permissions must be granted: PermissionName

Couldn't find an answer here.

After a couple of hours searching for a solution to this problem it began to dawn on me: Permissions for this service are dependent on a feature that is not enabled by default (defaultValue: false in AppFeatureProvider.cs). Enabling it by default solved the problem as expected.

Now I have the following question: I don't want certain features to be enabled by default but still want to test the app-services - Is there a simple solution to this problem without having to manually change the defaulValue for each feature?

4 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team

    Can you share the code for application services and unit tests?

    In general, you can replace or simulate certain components in unit tests, including using fake data.

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    alexanderpilhar created

    The Code for my app-services and tests really isn't anything special - just some simple gets, creates, edits and deletes - and as I wrote before: this stuff is working as expected as soon as I enable the according feature the permission depends on by default (defaultValue: true). Before, my tests failed just because the DefaultTenant didn't have these features assigned and therefore didn't have the necessary permissions.

    What I would like to know is, how do I assign a certain feature to a tenant in my tests (something similar to LoginAsDefaultTenantAdmin())? I guess, right now there is no simple way to do this. But maybe you guys have some ideas on how to do this? Also, I think it would be a good addition for ASPNETZERO as a product.

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    alexanderpilhar created

    Thanks to TenantManager domain service I can add the following to my test-class constructor:

    var tenantManager = Resolve<TenantManager>();
    tenantManager.SetFeatureValue(GetCurrentTenant().Id, "FeatureName", "Value");

    So, this actually seems to be the solution to my problem : )

    ~~But I don't know if this change will be persisted for longer than just for the test run. And I can't figure out where this information is stored ... Any ideas?~~

    Edit Changes won't be persisted for longer than for the run of the test itself. So, this is the way to go : )

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    MellowoodMedical created

    Thanks, searching for solution for a long time and finally your answer appears :)