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Copy code to new project #8242

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abenson created


i have two licenses for aspnetzero. we have developed code using the first license that inow want to copy over to begin a new project using the second license. the second license however needs to use a different project name. also, the second license is using a more recent version of aspnetzero. can you recommend best approach for copyibg code into a new project wit( a different name.


4 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team

    Same question?

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    abenson created

    This is not the same question. I am asking for guidance on how best to copy code from a project with a different name into a new project. the first project has a significant amount of code that we need to replicate into the second project. essentially, we are looking to create a copy of the first project to a new project with a different name. this is not as easy as copying code over to the second project, because we need the namespace to change theoughout the code to eaual the new project name.

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    alper created
    Support Team
    • download a new project with the new project name.
    • rename your old project namespaces to the new namespaces. for this process, you can use Resharper (trial)
    • copy the hand-written code into your new solution.

    There can be javascript errors because Resharper cannot adjust namespaces or appservice URLs, you need to manually fix them by search/replace.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    This issue is closed because of no recent activity. Please open a new issue if you are still having this problem.