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Hosting through Azure cloud tenant issues #8270

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smry created

I am hosting my site through an Azure VM I have a domain that I would like to host my multi-tenant application through

If I go to it shows a working host site

On my domain, I updated the CNAME to so now shows the application

*at this point, everything seems to be working exactly as expected

I tried following

I think I'm getting lost here:

To do that;

1. You should configure DNS to redirect all subdomains to a static IP address. To declare 'all subdomains', you can use a wildcard e.g. *
2. You should configure IIS to bind this static IP to your application.

If I setup a *. redirect on the domain then I get:

Request URL:
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 302 Found

which then immediately opens

Request URL:
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 200 OK

The host site opens up and i've lost my tenant name from the URL

Can you please elaborate on "configure IIS to bind this static IP to your application" or anything else I might be missing

I can go into IIS on the VM and add a second AngularUI folder setup and an IIS-site for which makes it such the domain URL wildcard redirect isnt levereaged but it still drops the tenant name in the URL

5 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team
    1. You should configure DNS to redirect all subdomains to a static IP address. To declare 'all subdomains', you can use a wildcard e.g. *

    CNAME should not be redirected.

    | Host | Type | Value | | ---- | ---- | ----- | | * | CNAME | static IP) |

    1. You should configure IIS to bind this static IP to your application.

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    smry created

    Azure VM with IP:

    Domain Registrar with sole DNS record pointing to that IP:

    IIS Inside of VM pointing port 80 with binding to Azure VM IP

    Trying to access site from browser:

    Edit #1: Two things needed to be changed to get some form of site response - Our Domain Registrar told me to use the following edits which worked:

    1. Use of A record instead of CNAME for Host: *
    2. add an A record | Host: @ | Value: MyIP

    those two things pointed my domain to the sever

    On the server, IIS needed the following to get anything showing on the address:

    Here is the IP Addresses page on Azure VM Without as an Azure Binding, the page only shows HTTP unreachable pages - not sure if this is an quirk of Azure OR if this is a deeper issue

    Something now loads on the page but on the login page the Login section is now gone:

    Edit #2:

    I think I found why it disappears but not sure how to fix it


    "App": {
    "ServerRootAddress": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}",
    "ClientRootAddress": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}",
    "CorsOrigins": "http://*"


      "remoteServiceBaseUrl": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}",
      "appBaseUrl": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}",

    The addition of {TENANCY_NAME} in the appconfig.production.json appBaseUrl causes the Login portion to disappear as seen above

    In addition to that, if I remove that, then all tenants go to host application

    I didnt realize the issues might related so I opened to try to fix that section. I am not sure how/if their related

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    hi @smry

    Something now loads on the page but on the login page the Login section is now gone:

    Please share the angular and api URL of your application to me. My email is [email protected]

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    hi @smry

    Have you changed the angular project's built-in code? For example, the account module.

    Does everything work when you are debugging an angular application locally? (Without using a subdomain)

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    smry created

    there were a few changes to page but nothing significant When I compared the files it looks like there was a reordered div

    updating code with div in what I think is the original location and seeing if that fixes the issue

    Edit: Confirmed. That reorder had indeed killed the UI and now it seems to be working as expected