Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "smry"

The current version is 10.5 and I think they're close to releasing v11.0 they are using angular version +12.1

There is a chance what you're talking about was an issue but that has likely since been corrected over past 4-5 years (looks like version 4.6 was around June 2017)

Check to see if there is an issue opened for that failure or upgrade to 10.5

can you open the package.json file in the angular solution and tell me what "version" it lists?

What version of the accplication are you using, ASPNetZero 10.5? Or something older?

I have not done it in a while but reviewing contents of the Account directory, yes - you should only need that one file out of the auth directory - and all the others (email-activation, login, password, and shared) are not needed for what you are doing

I wouldn't feel confortable with that, but you don't need it really

Just follow this:

  1. copy src\account in that same directory
    • You should now have src\account - Copy directory
  2. Rename account - Copy to landing
    1. Rename src/landing/account-routing.module.ts file
    2. Rename account.component.html and account.component.ts accordingly
      1. Add your code here for that landing page
    3. Rename src/landing/auth/account-route-guard.ts file
      1. Update selectBestRoute() method to fit your needs
      2. Review line 20 to fit your needs
        1. This is if you plan on integrating actions on your new landing page to tenan
    4. Update root-routing.module.ts to have a 'landing' new route path

Your idea is how I did exactly what you're asking with one exception - "...and name it public..." - I wouldnt use 'public' as a folder identifier but that's just my personal preference

look at account-routing.module.ts file - based on what you said your expected result is, you're just going to have to modify that page as well as the account.component.html accordingly

Depending on how closely you want to integrate your new page changes where you chose to bounce out of the application to go to the other page you're referring to

First thing you might need to look into is possibly root-routing.module.ts - that's usually where I've been adding that functionality and then adding my modules and components under src/{here} I think to save time you can consider copying the entire DIR 'account' and ripping out about 90% of it so you're just left with:

  1. landing-route-guard.ts
  2. landing-routing.module.ts
  3. landing.component.html
  4. landing.component.ts
  5. landing.module.ts

and then modify root-routing to just be:

        path: 'account',
        loadChildren: () => import('account/account.module').then(m => m.AccountModule), //Lazy load account module
        data: { preload: true }
        path: 'landing',
        loadChildren: () => import('landing/landing.module').then(m => m.LandingModule), //Lazy load landing module
        data: { preload: true }

set a breakpoint on the canActivate method in your new Landing route guard to verify expected behavior

Ideally it would work such that if timeout time expires, tokens deleted on browser and the screen display is just an unlock modal I have not reviewed what the Session Lock code does but functionally it looks like it logs you off so the session is never "locked", its just a blanket log out with a screen implying that you are locked

I've attached an image of what I am trying to describe - basically an overlay so that your modals/pages remain in place since a full page route removes any pending work you were potentially in the middle of

Done - should I now close this ticket?

On first entry into a page that has Tabs the application adds extra spacing I tracked this down on my application and noticed 3 classes get added on the first time you open a page with tabs - card-header, card-header-tabs-line, and nav-tabs-line

I checked the application and found these are actually added on ngAfterViewChecked on the CustomizableDashboardComponent

ngAfterViewChecked(): void {
            setTimeout(() => {
              let navTabs = window.document.querySelector('.nav.nav-tabs');
              if (!navTabs) {

            }, 1000);

You can modify the classes there and see that it does translate to any Tabbed page in the application on first load of said page but is gone on second page load

Because this also happens on the site I skipped the prerequisite questions as its an issue with the current live version of the application


We were having performance issues and I found this ticket

one of the first comments didnt seem to make sense: "4.4 mb and it is a bit high."

After some investigation I found we were having a compression issue. Our files now range about 1MB down from ~4.5MB

For more info see:

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