I have a table which has two foreign keys. So when I add Foreign Keys it adds two indexes in the table.
Now when I try to create an Unique Index using the two foreignkeys, it is trying to drop the indexes created by adding a column as foreign key.
On doing so the Migration doesn't run as it is unable to drop an index created by adding teh foreign key.
Cannot drop index 'IX_xyz_approval_rule_xyz_id': needed in a foreign key constraint
4 Answer(s)
Are you using EF 6.x or EF Core? Is it the sql server database?
By the way please share the code of the relevant entity.
I am using EFCore and My SQL
public class Po_approval_assignment : Entity , IMayHaveTenant { [StringLength(Po_approval_assignmentConsts.Maxcreated_byLength, MinimumLength = Po_approval_assignmentConsts.Mincreated_byLength)] public virtual string created_by { get; set; } public virtual DateTime? created_date { get; set; } public virtual DateTime? last_modified_date { get; set; } [StringLength(Po_approval_assignmentConsts.Maxmodified_byLength, MinimumLength = Po_approval_assignmentConsts.Minmodified_byLength)] public virtual string modified_by { get; set; } [ForeignKey("po_Approval_Rule")] public virtual long po_approval_rule_id { get; set; } public Po_approval_rule po_Approval_Rule { get; set; } [ForeignKey("po_Reviewer")] public virtual long po_reviewer_id { get; set; } public Po_reviewer po_Reviewer { get; set; } public virtual int? version { get; set; } [Column("tenant_id")] public int? TenantId { get; set; } }
I am trying to create a composite primary key using po_approval_rule_id and po_reviewer_id
Are you using ef core provider
?Maybe related this issue: https://github.com/PomeloFoundation/Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql/issues/678
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