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Angular on Azure app service #8430

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joynext created

Dear Support,

We are getting the error when uploading the files to our azure app service.

Everything works locally.

Also, we've tried uploading a diffrent angular project to the same azure app service, it worked.

Please advise.

7 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team

    hi joynext

    • What is your product version?
    • Are you using Single solution(Merges AngularUI and Host projects into a single solution)?
  • User Avatar
    joynext created

    Yes ASP.NET CORE & Angular (single solution).

    In azure i've set up 2 servers. one for the host and one for the Angular UI. Looking for guidance on how we should configure.

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    BobIngham created

    @joynext, check your appsettings,json file in angular. I often see this when I'm using staging and testing slots, it's usually a config problem so could also be a connection string problem.

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    joynext created

    Thanks @bobingham

    Checked the app settings is correcty points to the host URL.

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    maliming created
    Support Team

    hi @joynext

    ASP.NET CORE & Angular (single solution). In azure i've set up 2 servers. one for the host and one for the Angular UI.

    Since you have two servers for api and angular, why do you use a single solution?

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    joynext created

    Hi @maliming

    We are using the RAD tools, we thought a single solution would allow us create the Angural UI as well. Given the current setup, what is your suggestion on how we can deploy the Angular Project to the server. the appsettings.json is being deployed under /src folder. Any help would be appreciated.

    BTW The HOST and APIs were deployed succesffuly and we can view them via swagger URL.

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    joynext created

    Closing this ticket.

    Moved the content of the /dist folder to /wwwroot

    We also made the sure the URLs from the appsettings are correct.