I am new to aspnetzero.
We are using latest (8.4) Asp.net core mvc & Jquery version of the application.
We have an existing api service from which we want to call aspnetzero application's api.
When testing the ConsoleApiClient application it is showing Unauthorized.
Is this correct behaviour ? I belived it should show userlist.
Please guide me if it is not currect way to do it and what I am doing wrong ?
I am using default configuration. I have not changed Identity server 4 configuration.
3 Answer(s)
We have an existing api service from which we want to call aspnetzero application's api.
hi @propertyproplus
Can you explain it in detail?
We want to integrate another multi tenant application ( lets name it X) with our new multi tenant application (Lets name it A) (aspnetzero application ). Our previous application (Lets name it B) has a service which accepts all request from from X then pasrse it and add it into corresponding tenant in B. We are thinking of similar thing in A using the same service. We were trying to invoke api of A from that service but is showing "Current user did not login to the application!". Then we tried the ConsoleApiClient which is also showing "unauthorized'.
Hi @propertyproplus
Could you download a new Demo project and try this ? I tried on Dev branch and it worked for me.
If you can't solve the problem, could you share your project to info@aspnetzero.com ?Thanks,