I'm working on a solution wiht more EF and I'm able to call separete EF and use distributed query.
Last week I need to add a a connection to MongoDb to storage a Json data so I've created a custom repository connect my Entity to MongoDb and it work fine until I call that from an abstract base class.
The CreateQuery flow on correct repository because use concrete implementation (es Mongo or EF dipends on specific query body)
But when I call the CountAsync() how can I identify if my provider is Mongo or EF...
At the moment i create a SafeCountAsync() and cast to specific provider but I'm not sure that is the correct way to solve it.
Below some code from my solution
public abstract IQueryable<TQueryReturnType> CreateQuery(TQueryInput input);
public asbtract class MyBase{
/// remove for brevity
public virtual async Task<PagedResultDto<TListResult>> GetItems(TQueryInput input)
var query = CreateQuery(input).
Debug.WriteLine($"Query for {typeof(TQueryReturnType)}");
//var count = await query.CountAsync();
var count = await query.SafeCountAsync();
// from static extension to call correct count
public static Task<int> SafeCountAsync<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source)
if (typeof(IMongoTable).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TSource)))
return ((IMongoQueryable<TSource>)source).CountAsync();
// Default EF SQL
return source.CountAsync();
4 Answer(s)
But when I call the CountAsync() how can I identify if my provider is Mongo or EF...
Abp's mongodb and ef core cannot work with the unit of work together.
You can directly use mongodb's API instead of mongodb repository and other components.
Actually AspNet Boilerplate doesn't officially support MongoDB at the moment.
I know that MongoDb is not supported but geneally speking is not possibile register a second UnitOfWork?
I think this is not possible, by design.
Ok thanks for your support