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Features in AbpZeroTenantFeatures Cache become incorrect for a Tenant #8897

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DekraInsightAccount created

We are running an older version of the application. (ASP.NET CORE MVC & jQuery) and we are running into some caching issues.

AbpZeroTenantFeatures return the wrong entries for a given tenant (Mismatched from what is in the database). Clearning the cache updates a tenants features to the proper list again. Then it will be fine for a period of time and then start returning incorrect features for a tenant until we clear the cache again.

Our developers have put a "fix" in place to bascially invalidate the cache entry as we cannot find the root cause of the issue. (Features in Cache become incorrect for a tenant)

        Configuration.Caching.Configure("AbpZeroTenantFeatures", cache =>
            cache.DefaultAbsoluteExpireTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            cache.DefaultSlidingExpireTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

Does this ring any bells? I know we are out of date, but if there is a patch we can put in place, that would be highly useful.

7 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team


    What version of abp are you using?

    You can see the version of the abp package in the project file(csproj), is it 3.8.1?

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    DekraInsightAccount created

    We have 4.8.1 installed.

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    maliming created
    Support Team

    hi DekraInsightAccount

    Can you provide the steps so that I can reproduce your problem? : )

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    DekraInsightAccount created

    It's hard to reproduce locally. I can connect to the live database (and debug the project) and the tenant has the right features turned on. But the same tenant on production has different features turned on (sometimes) and I think it has to come from a problem in the feature caching system. Sorry not much to go on here other than mismatches between the cache entries for AbpZeroTenantFeatures and what is in the database for a particular tenant.

    We are trying to get more info as we can on this.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Could you upgrade to v4.12 and see if resolves your problem.

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    DekraInsightAccount created

    Sure thing, thats the plan. I'll mark this as answered and if I run into any trouble after the upgrade I'll let you know.


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    Web2workNL created

    Hi JakeE,

    We would love to hear from you wether you managed to find a solution to the problem other than expiring the caches after 1 second. We are experiencing the same issues (