I have fields that need to enter a minimun and maximun of characters but also these fields can be blank or null or ' '.
In this first picture you can see the Attributes
In this secound picture I use js code to disable or delte the attributes.
` this.save = function () {
if (!_$tenantPersonnelInformationForm.valid()) {
if ( $('#TenantPersonnel_MiddleName').val() == '')
var input = $('#TenantPersonnel_MiddleName');
var is_name = input.val();
if (is_name) {
input.prop('required', false);
else {
//input.prop('maxlength', false);
//input.prop('minlength', false);
As you can see in the picuture above the Atributs are gone which is what I wanted.
But now, I keep getting the same error like the attributes were still there.
Can you please help us on this... where do I take the attributes.
If the user does not need to fill up the field then it must be ' ' and when the user add data it has to be between that range.
All help will be really appreciated.
Thank you
1 Answer(s)
You can use custom dto validating on the backend of the application.https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Validating-Data-Transfer-Objects#custom-validation