Hi, Getting issues while creating entity from RAD Tool..
We are trying to generate entities using RAD Tool in latest version of ASPNetZero Template. Encountering two issues with this:
- Some error while running add-migration. We need to manually run the command to add and update database migration.
- One property missing in the angular component. We again need to add that property manually to resolve the error.
4 Answer(s)
Do you have https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/miscellaneous/cli/dotnet#ef-core-3x installed ?
I did install .NET Core SDK & dotnet-ef... Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design i assume is already on project solution?
Please check if the PATH environment variable on your machine contains the path where you installed the global tool and that the executable is in that path. If it's not Present then add "C:\Users%USERPROFILE%.dotnet\tools" in the PATH environment variable.
Also Please Make Sure that All the Dependencies are resolved under the Project "PROJECT_NAME.EntityFrameworkCore"
For Property Not Listing in UI , please look at the image below if its checked.
Thanks, issue resolved.