Dear Support,
I am following the documentation and trying to integrating oData service in application. I am using latest version of the application (9.1.0). I configured all steps and facing the error shown in below screenshot.
Also, as .net code updated the routing system and in the latest version we are using app.UseEndpoints instead of app.UseMvc. Could you please guide to add MapODataServiceRoute?
3 Answer(s)
hi @staffing
Please follow this, we will resolved it in next version of aspnetboilerplate.
Dear Support Team,
We are using the multitenant application and we wanted to apply the authentication and use the odata in the powerbi.
I can pass the access token but I wanted to use the API key so we can count the hits from each tenant.Thanks
Hi @staffing
Do you still have the initial problem you have shared or do you have another problem. Sorry, couldn't understand the exact problem. Could oyu provide more information about it ?