- 4.8.1
- Angular
- netCore 2.2
I try to test our method that derived from ApplicationService and I try to validate my permission via IPermissionChecker.Authorize.
When I test it I receive
No language defined!
in Abp.Localization.MultiTenantLocalizationDictionaryProvider.GetDefaultDictionary()
in Abp.Localization.Dictionaries.DictionaryBasedLocalizationSource.GetStringOrNull(String name, CultureInfo culture, Boolean tryDefaults)
in Abp.Localization.Dictionaries.DictionaryBasedLocalizationSource.GetString(String name, CultureInfo culture)
in Abp.Localization.LocalizableString.Localize(ILocalizationContext context)
in System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
in System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)
in System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
in Abp.Authorization.PermissionCheckerExtensions.LocalizePermissionNames(IPermissionChecker permissionChecker, String[] permissionNames)
in Abp.Authorization.PermissionCheckerExtensions.<AuthorizeAsync>d__9.MoveNext()
I look into base test project but I don't find anithing related to Localization/Language, how can I solve it?
4 Answer(s)
I think this issue is related to our arch beacuse we have 2 DbContext in 2 separate EFCore project. So when application run normally 2 dbcontext are resolved normally but during the test I see that test base project use a "fake" dbcontext (based on sqlLite).
I look into the demo app with 2 dbcontext but is not our case (because we use 2 different project).
Any Idea how can I start my Test with 2 dbContext?
Hi @andmattia
We don't have such an experience but if thi is the only problem, you can replace
with a fake one for your test. Could that work ? -
Hi after a lot of rework I found a partial solution to our context
public override void PreInitialize() { //.... RegisterFakeService<firstDbContext>(); RegisterFakeService<secondDbContext>(); //.... } RegisterIdentity(iocManager); var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<firstDbContext>(); var builder2 = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<secondDbContext>(); var sqlite1 = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=firstDbContext.db"); var sqlite2 = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=secondDbContext.db"); builder.UseSqlite(sqlite1); builder2.UseSqlite(sqlite2); iocManager.IocContainer.Register( Component .For<DbContextOptions<firstDbContext>>() .Instance(builder.Options) .LifestyleSingleton() ); iocManager.IocContainer.Register( Component .For<DbContextOptions<secondDbContext>>() .Instance(builder2.Options) .LifestyleSingleton() ); sqlite1.Open(); sqlite2.Open(); new firstDbContext(builder.Options).Database.EnsureCreated(); new secondDbContext(builder2.Options).Database.EnsureCreated();
So now I have a problem related to sqlLite that I not allow multiple connection. So I need to check if I can redo Seed or other strategy
Hi @andmattia
Thank you for sharing the solution. If that doesn't work, maybe you can try to use a real database but its perfomance will be much slower.