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Enable/Disable widgets for specific tenant #9872

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ISTeam created

I am using ASPNETZero Core & jQuery version 8.3.

From the documentation and other examples we can see that widgets have permission for certain page/entity. So if in my app I have 3 page/entity with related permission and tenant have access of only 2 of them then corresponding widgets will be automatically filtered.

But we want to allow different widgets for each tenant (We have 10 tenants in the first release phase and 3 entities/page (related to 3 CRMs) with some 12 total widgets where all tenants have access of n entities/pages out of 3 and depending on that widget should be shown). Suppose we have set of widgets called 'A' = {a, b} and we want to grant permission of 'a' set of widgets to tenant 'T1' and 'b' set of widgets to tenant 'T2'. Host will have full access - set 'A' or all widgets.

Is there a way we can implement this kind of enable/disable widgets per tenant from host application kind of feature? If yes is there any example or guide for how to define and save such permissions for each tenant? Can feature dependency be helpful to implement such scenario?


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