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Override DashboardViewConfigurationService with custom one #9973

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fabiovalerio created

Hi, I'm trying to override DashboardViewConfigurationService with custom class without success. I've already done this kind of override upon AppNavigationService with succes. But for DashboardViewConfigurationService nothing happen!

Waht I've alread done is: • createad custom AwcDashboardViewConfigurationService inside my own library • in a forRoot() static method of my module's library, I also specified: { provide: DashboardViewConfigurationService, useClass: AwcDashboardViewConfigurationService} (same things already done in an AppNavigationService with success!)

The only way to retrieve instance of AwcDashboardViewConfigurationService from CustomizableDashboardComponent DI is to remove DashboardViewConfigurationService from AppCommon module's providers.

Any suggestion?

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