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Activities of "fabiovalerio"

Hi, I'm trying to override DashboardViewConfigurationService with custom class without success. I've already done this kind of override upon AppNavigationService with succes. But for DashboardViewConfigurationService nothing happen!

Waht I've alread done is: • createad custom AwcDashboardViewConfigurationService inside my own library • in a forRoot() static method of my module's library, I also specified: { provide: DashboardViewConfigurationService, useClass: AwcDashboardViewConfigurationService} (same things already done in an AppNavigationService with success!)

The only way to retrieve instance of AwcDashboardViewConfigurationService from CustomizableDashboardComponent DI is to remove DashboardViewConfigurationService from AppCommon module's providers.

Any suggestion?

Hi @ismcagdas, I just copied it and replaced what affecting to my plugin namespaces and classes. More, I put my TestModule under Dependency with the auto-generated ANZ TestModule

Hi, how can I write a newly Unit Test project for a separate DbContext? I developed some plugins, and I'd like to perform unit testing without modify Tests code-base, adding my own DbContext registrations!

Actually I duplicated "Tests" project with a new name, and replicated logic behind ServiceCollectionRegistrar to register my own DbContext. All seems to be working correctly, but during a test execution, I'm expecting to found in DB an initial data (seeded from TestDataBuilder classes), but nope! Repository.GetAll() returns an empty list!

I know that InMemory DB could not be used by multiple threads, and is acceptable to not find TestData seeded by "Test.Base" project, but I'm expecting to found my own seeded data!

I'm in wrong with this approach? Do you have any suggestion to accomplish this scenario?

I made a PR that implements a more simple way to accomplish thoose needs. Please take a look at

Hi @mailming,

I'm on .net core version.

Thanks for your reply! What you suggest, is to make a custom Hub inherting OnlineClientHubBase! It is correct, but is what I don't like to do, because it constraints me to reference my own dll inside Web.Host project to map the custom hub.

I'd like to maintain my customized logic inside a Plugin, and load it dynamically with ABP plugin system!

My question was if there are any automatic ways to populate OnlineClient.Properties from Querystring!

If not, I will open a feature request on GitHub, or better, make a PR with this implementation :D

no Ideas?

Hi guys, is there any built-in way (without make a custom Hub), to automatically store QueryString values inside OnlineClient.Properties?

Actually I'm working on a FrontEnd custom app, that use SignalR environment to get notified for a specic events. But I need to know some certain client's metadata, and I'd like to use OnlineClient builtin "Properties" property!

Hy support, as per title above, is there any resources that can be used with Adobe XD for designing Angular's views for prototyping purpose?

Hi @maliming, thanks for your reply.

Not only returning true was the fix, either replacing NativeMessageHandler with HttpClientHandler was the real trick!

Maybe ModernHttpClient's class implementation avoid calling ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback!

If there are no controindications, I suggest to apply this fix in the ANZ codebase!

As Workaround I edited ModernHttpClientFactory.cs as following:

         public override HttpMessageHandler CreateMessageHandler()
-            return new AuthenticationHttpHandler(new NativeMessageHandler
+            return new AuthenticationHttpHandler(new HttpClientHandler
-                AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate
+                AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate,
+                ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (message, cert, chain, errors) =>
+                {
+                    if (cert.Issuer.Equals("CN=localhost"))
+                        return true;
+                    return errors == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.None;
+                }
                 OnSessionTimeOut = OnSessionTimeOut,
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