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Activities of "fabiovalerio"

Hi, I'm trying to override DashboardViewConfigurationService with custom class without success. I've already done this kind of override upon AppNavigationService with succes. But for DashboardViewConfigurationService nothing happen!

Waht I've alread done is: • createad custom AwcDashboardViewConfigurationService inside my own library • in a forRoot() static method of my module's library, I also specified: { provide: DashboardViewConfigurationService, useClass: AwcDashboardViewConfigurationService} (same things already done in an AppNavigationService with success!)

The only way to retrieve instance of AwcDashboardViewConfigurationService from CustomizableDashboardComponent DI is to remove DashboardViewConfigurationService from AppCommon module's providers.

Any suggestion?

Hi, how can I write a newly Unit Test project for a separate DbContext? I developed some plugins, and I'd like to perform unit testing without modify Tests code-base, adding my own DbContext registrations!

Actually I duplicated "Tests" project with a new name, and replicated logic behind ServiceCollectionRegistrar to register my own DbContext. All seems to be working correctly, but during a test execution, I'm expecting to found in DB an initial data (seeded from TestDataBuilder classes), but nope! Repository.GetAll() returns an empty list!

I know that InMemory DB could not be used by multiple threads, and is acceptable to not find TestData seeded by "Test.Base" project, but I'm expecting to found my own seeded data!

I'm in wrong with this approach? Do you have any suggestion to accomplish this scenario?

Hi guys, is there any built-in way (without make a custom Hub), to automatically store QueryString values inside OnlineClient.Properties?

Actually I'm working on a FrontEnd custom app, that use SignalR environment to get notified for a specic events. But I need to know some certain client's metadata, and I'd like to use OnlineClient builtin "Properties" property!

Hy support, as per title above, is there any resources that can be used with Adobe XD for designing Angular's views for prototyping purpose?

Hi to all, I'm facing the annoying problem of certificate not trusted because it is a self-signed cert, while running Android app!

I found a workaround on the web (following this article: simply override ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback property of NativeMessageHandler instance passed to AuthenticationHttpHandler inside ModernHttpClientFactory

But this kind of solution doesn't work as aspected, because the ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback never call!

Googling more, I've encounterented ModernHttpClient Git repository that is apparently not supported anymore, and it's replaced by Paid version, that has a specific management for handlilng Untrusted certs.

How I can resolve this issue, without editing a lot of ANZ Solution's CodeBase.

This is significantly urgent for us! Many thanks!

Hi all, we currently use ANZ 4.1.0 to serve a WebAPI access to a 3d party. Sometimes, counterpart says that API calls go in HTTP 401. We checked JWT for validity with <a class="postlink" href=""></a> and all seems ok. What we noticed, is the authentication pass successfully but authorization (permissions) seems not correctly retrieved. Since counterpart can't implement a retry mechanism, we have to figure out how to solve this issue on our side. Thanks!

Hi all,

I'm trying to handle entity events against"Setting" entity, without success.

I need to be notified when a specific setting is changed per user, so I thought that using EventBus would be a good way to do that.

Isn't it?

Any solutions?


Hi all,

I know that Aspnet zero supports SSO as External Login like Facebook Google+ and more.

But it's possibile to use aspnet zero as SSO provider?

We have to provide a mechanism where external portal can be use aspnet zero credentials to identify already logged-in user and call our API to retrieve some information.


Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries