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Activities of "BobIngham"

Hi Aaron, This was a bit sticky but I found the answer. First i will show you code when everything goes well. To register with the system an Ionic app sends a username, password and voucher code. The call from Ionic uses httpClient:

public onSignUp(AppRegisterModel): Observable<AppRegisterResultModel> {
    return"http://...//api/services/app/Account/RegisterFromApp", AppRegisterModel)
      .map(registerResultModel => registerResultModel)

AppRegisterModel contains a voucher code unique to each tenant. On the server I find the tenant from the voucher code:

var tenantId = await GetTenantIdFromVoucherCodeAsync(model.VoucherCode);

and then I add the user in a unit of work using the SetTenantId filter and ensure AbpSession uses the same value:

using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(tenantId))
   AbpSession.Use(tenantId, null);

Successful registration returns a tenantId which is saved locally and added to the sign in process.
AppTokenAuthController is a direct copy of TokenAuthController with changes only to the input model and the first method:

public async Task<AuthenticateResultModel> AppAuthenticate([FromBody] AppAuthenticateModel model)
  var loginResult = await GetLoginResultAsync(
    await GetTenancyNameFromTenantId(model.TenantId)

AppAuthenticateModel includes TenantId which is added to the JWT token and can now be used securely between an Ionic app and a Zero server. So far so good but if anything goes wrong it's not nice. At the moment my error message returned by a _UserFriendlyException_can be found here:


Despite the fact it's not nice it works perfectly and we get a nice user friendly error message displayed on the Ionic app. I messed with the

[DontWrapResult(WrapOnError = true)]

with different values but the above configuration proved stable.

This also closes []).

Thanks for your help.


Yes, exactly the same result.

It does not matter whether I use the WrapOnError qualifier or not, I am still getting the same result.

.Net Core, Angular 5.0.2 I am trying to return UserFriendlyException errors to app written using Ionic 3. I can sign up and find a tenant using a (unique) voucher code, return the tenantId to the app and add this to the sign in process which gives me the correct tenantId as a claim in the JWT. To return data to the app I have implemented the [DontWrapResult] attribute which works well. However, I can not find a way to return well formatted errors to the app using the UserFriendlyException constructor. For example, I am trying to implement UserFriendlyException to indicate that a username is already taken (as per the standard system). The error received at the app has a status of 0 and a statusText of "Unknown error". I have tried implementing [DontWrapResult(WrapOnError = false)] but I am still getting the same results. The question is: How to return UserFriendlyException to the app in a manner which can be read in the app?

@ismcagdas, thanks for the consideration but I'm still not sure on best practise. I will add the tenant ref as a claim and then create the access token including this claim. That way the token can be read on every call to the server but I am still faced with the problem of having to create a unit of work and setting AbpSession.TenantId for the ouw for every call made to the server.

The question has to be: During the login and authentication processes how so I set AbpSession.TenantId so I do not have to create a unit of work and setting AbpSession.TenantId for the ouw for every call made to the server?

Zero 5.0.2 - Aspnet Core, Angular I have an app written using Ionic. The user registers with the app using a username, password and voucher code. The voucher code is unique to a given tenant. The registration process injects the tenantId into a unit of work using statement, ABPSession.TenantId is set with AbpSession.Use(tenantId, null) for the uow and a new user is created for the tenant. The tenantId is returned to the app and saved in a local database. The app user is redirected to the login page to login. How do I pass the username, password and tenantId (from device storage) from the app to the server and have the server log the user into the correct tenant? Surely I do not have to set filters in unit of work and apply AbpSession.Use(tenantId, null) for every call my app makes to the server?

Thanks, Aaron, that did the trick. Sorry about the niaivety, I am still in the learning -phase.

Hmmm, the problem, Aaron, is that settingsRepository only return those settings for the current tenant, how do I read settings for all tenants to ensure the value is unique?

Doh!!!! Thanks, Aaron.


I have added my own setting provider with a tenant scope and added it to the preinitialize method of my module. I set these settings in


and I can modify them by adding a tab to


and adding code to


So far so good. One of these settings is a voucher code which must be unique as it will be used by an app to register with the system and the voucher code will find the tenant using unique voucher code setting. How do search for all settings given a unique name (App.NuageTenantManagement.VoucherCode) to ensure a modified value is unique and how do I find a tenant from the same unique voucher code setting?

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