Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Dom1702"

I'm not sure, what you mean.

What part of the project do you need?

Hi Maliming,

thanks for your help. This is the code:

 private bool ContainsInstructor(DrivingLesson dl, string filter)
            if(dl.Instructors == null) // This is the part I always end up even though there are Instructors available
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < dl.Instructors.Count; i++)
                if (dl.Instructors[i].Instructor.FirstName.Equals(filter) || dl.Instructors[i].Instructor.LastName.Equals(filter))
                    return true;

            return false;

And this is the actual method:

 public async Task<PagedResultDto<GetDrivingLessonForViewDto>> GetAll(GetAllDrivingLessonsInput input)

            var filteredDrivingLessons = _drivingLessonRepository.GetAllIncluding(e => e.Instructors)
                        .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.Filter), e => false || e.Topic.Contains(input.Filter))
                        .WhereIf(input.MinLengthFilter != null, e => e.Length >= input.MinLengthFilter)
                        .WhereIf(input.MaxLengthFilter != null, e => e.Length <= input.MaxLengthFilter)
                        .WhereIf(input.MinStartTimeFilter != null, e => e.StartTime >= input.MinStartTimeFilter)
                        .WhereIf(input.MaxStartTimeFilter != null, e => e.StartTime <= input.MaxStartTimeFilter)
                        .WhereIf(input.CompletedFilter > -1, e => Convert.ToInt32(e.Completed) == input.CompletedFilter)
                        .WhereIf(input.DrivingLessonTopicTopicFilter != null, e => e.Topic.Contains(input.DrivingLessonTopicTopicFilter))
                        .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.InstructorFilter), e => ContainsInstructor(e, input.InstructorFilter));

            var query2 = (from o in filteredDrivingLessons

                          select new GetDrivingLessonForViewDto()
                              DrivingLesson = ObjectMapper.Map<DrivingLessonDto>(o),
                              StudentFullName = (o.StudentFk.FirstName == null || o.StudentFk.LastName == null) ? "" : o.StudentFk.FirstName + " " + o.StudentFk.LastName,
                              Description = o.Description,
                              Instructors = ObjectMapper.Map<IList<Instructors.Dtos.InstructorDto>>((from i in o.Instructors
                                                                                                     join i2 in _lookup_instructorRepository.GetAll() on i.InstructorId equals i2.Id
                                                                                                     select new Instructor() { Id = i2.Id, FirstName = i2.FirstName, LastName = i2.LastName }).ToList())
                        .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.LicenseClassClassFilter), e => e.DrivingLesson.LicenseClass != null && e.DrivingLesson.LicenseClass.ToLower() == input.LicenseClassClassFilter.ToLower().Trim());

            var totalCount = await query2.CountAsync();

            var drivingLessons = await query2
                .OrderBy(input.Sorting ?? " asc")

            return new PagedResultDto<GetDrivingLessonForViewDto>(

Thanks for your help. I really have no idea how to add this array to the query in way that I don't get the NullReferenceException.

I also tried to use the id in the ContainsInstructor method to get that one driving lesson from the repository, however then I get an exception telling me that I can't nest this query in another query because ef core does not allow this.


I have the following part of code:

 var filteredDrivingLessons = _drivingLessonRepository.GetAllIncluding(e => e.Instructors) // Instructors is a list for a many-to-many relationship
                        .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.InstructorFilter), e => ContainsInstructor(e, input.InstructorFilter));

When debugging filteredDrivingLessons, the Instructors array is available and not null.

In the ContainsInstructor method however, the Instructors array is null. Why is that so?

What I am trying to achieve is passing an instructorFilter string that checks every entry in the Instructors array and compares first and last name.

Is there something in the WhereIf extension method not working as I expect it to or am I doing something completely wrong here?

Thank you!

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