i've already figured it out, your answer also helped by i was trying to use the custom class - i had to add the following lines of code in the method PreInitialize from class CufHealthCareCoreModule: Configuration.ReplaceService(typeof(IAuditingStore), () => { IocManager.Register<IAuditingStore, ExtendedAuditStore>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient); });
Hi again,
so i create the class ExtendedAuditStore and now i'm lost, can you tell me what to do now? I just want to remove the cuts from the fields in the AbpAuditLogs table - I will modify all fields to nvarchar(max) and then i want to save exactly what am i receiving in the service.
public class ExtendedAuditStore : AuditingStore { public ExtendedAuditStore(IRepository<AuditLog, long> auditLogRepository) : base(auditLogRepository) {
public override Task SaveAsync(AuditInfo auditInfo)
var result = base.SaveAsync(auditInfo);
return result;
best regards,
i'm using ASP.NET Zero (with .NET Core 3.1 and Angular 9). In the AbpAuditLogs table, i changed the size of the Parameters field from nvarchar (1024) to nvarchar (max), however service requests continue to be cut at position 1024 - example: {"input":{"memId":"001000012600","product":1,"state":2,"paymentMethod":1,"paymentMethodChanged":false,"referenceEntity":null,"amount":90.00,"dueDate":null,"payday":"2020-08-17T00:00:00+00:00","invoiceNumber":"JMS|FT|2020|63","invoiceDate":null,"invoiceDocType":"application/pdf","invoiceDocName":"JMS_FT_2020_63.pdf","invoiceDocContent":"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...
What needs to be changed in addition to the table, in order to be able to save service requests with more than 1024 characters?
best regards, Dirceu
Do you have any news?
I think it has to do with this code
.ps { ** overflow: hidden !important;** overflow-anchor: none; -ms-overflow-style: none; touch-action: auto; -ms-touch-action: auto; }
In angular page, I need to have any special configuration? I put a page without any app service in the main module and it redirect to login. In this case, I do have to create a new module, similar to the account?
What is the best practice to implement 4 public data record pages without having to have a dummy user on the angular?
Best regards, André Silva