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When I run the angular app it returns a MatSelectModule is not a reference. Has anyone gone through the same?

I'm using the angular 9.

Hi again,

this problem was accidentally resolved by using a diferent build comand: instead of "ng build --configuration=development" i'm now using "npm run ng build --configuration=development"

The command "ng build --configuration = development" does not ignore build errors and uses the environment-related configuration file in run-time, however in certain situations the components behave differently from the one verified locally (example: Errors occur only on the version installed on the server).

It doesn't make any sense (for me at least) but it works.

best regards, Dirceu


The following error only occcurs in the server (is hosted in a IIS Application), locally there is no error: main.dc1d4f39a44994907869.js:1 ERROR NullInjectorError: StaticInjectorError[l -> l]: StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[l -> l]: NullInjectorError: No provider for l! at e.get ( at at e ( at e.get ( at at e ( at e.get ( at Tf ( at e.get ( at Tf (

Could you tell us how we can identify the cause of the problem? There is no error in the server, only the error that apears in the console of the Browser.

We are using ASP.NET Zero with Angular 8.2, the erro only occurs in a few components when they are loaded.

If i host the application locally in IIS the same error occurs - i copy the contents of dist folder to my site. The build is done with the command "ng build --configuration=development".

best regards, Dirceu


We still don't have advanced knowledge of angular and we have some doubts on how to incorporate Toggle from the primeng table, which is used by aspnetzero. Can you help?

I haven't had the opportunity to test it yet with a remote active directory server, I just wanted to anticipate any problems that might occur. I saw some articles saying that we should use the ip/name of the active directory server and the actual domain - something like this: ConnectString = LDAP://RemoteHost/dc=domain,dc=domain2,dc=domain3


I'm using ASP.NET Zero with ASP.NET Core 3.1 in the Back-end and Angular 8.2 in the Front-end. I've already configured and successfully tested LDAP Authentication using my company domain (the same as my machine) and my user (the one that i use to logon in my company network). It's possible (and how) to connect to a remote Active Directory Server overriding the methods from class LdapAuthenticationSource?

Best regards, Dirceu




Yes, the application is multi-tenant (in a first phase we are going to use the default tenant). Could you give some pointers on the best way to implement the two login pages? - should i duplicate the entire login folder (src > account > login) so i can have a second login component? The best way to redirect the user to a different login page (after logout) is to change the method logout from the component AppAuthService?



it's possible having two login pages, one that has the default information (tenant, user, password, etc) and other that has only the user, password and a custom field (a combobox with additional user info)? Ideally, without making major changes to the ASP.NET Zero Framework. The goal is reutilize the same components after the login, but when the user does the logout he must be redirected to the correct login page. Maybe having two different url's for login, i just need some help on how to implement this. I'm using ASP.NET Core 3.1 for the back-end and Angular 8.2 for the front-end.

best regards, Dirceu


Also, is it not necessary to manually remove Dto's, AppServices, etc.?

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